Quantum Orthomolecular Medicine uses the Tibetan Singing Bowls and crystal singing bowls to balance the cellular harmonic balance of the body. These singing bowls can be played to achieve a sound which balances the chakras and helps the body to heal. The concept is based partially on an area of the body having not enough energy, while another area has too much energy. This may be due to a chakra imbalance. Imagine that each area of the body had a valve or internal monitoring system to move energy though channels from one part of the body to another part. If an area does not have the proper amount of energy traveling through the channel, a deficiency or excess develops. This may arise in cancer due to the harsh chemotherapy medicines of radiation used in treatment. There is a way for this imbalance to preceed the cancer.
Bagpipes could also be used for the purpose of balancing energy in the channels of the body. Chinese medicine is based upon the concept the energy moves in meridians or channels throughout the body. The dulcimer and the harp can also be tried for the purpose of balancing energy chakra's. There are several DVD's commercially available to balance the energy chakra's. These will be available by link in the near future. Please check back.
Quantum Orthomolecular Medicine offers advances in alternative medicine for treating common diseases and challenging symptoms that interfere with pathway to quantum health. We include food therapy, homeopathy. new drugs, medical devices, diagnostic testing, exercise ideas, herbs, vitamins, botanical extracts, modern therapies, and uncommon sense. We will provide links to products we like or that have a positive impact on lives.
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