Excessive radiation damage may result from lengthy talking on your cell phone for hours or using a Blackberry phone that has a high level of radiation. Do not keep any cell phone in your pants pockets turned on. These can reduce fertility in men. The cell phone radiation levels can be reduced with the addition of radiation shields that are available to be placed onto the phones.
The excessive radiation can affect the body's endocrine system. It can accelerate aging and slow healing. It can impair the brair and liver. It can slow the memory. The damage is far worse in children and young adults. Dr Sanjay Gupta was interviewed by CNN and was very informative on the true nature of the problem. Please purchase a copy of Quantum Brain Healing by Dr R Stone, MD-India to learn many options on healing your brain with alternative medicine.
A product link for cell phone radiation shields will be available.
Quantum Orthomolecular Medicine offers advances in alternative medicine for treating common diseases and challenging symptoms that interfere with pathway to quantum health. We include food therapy, homeopathy. new drugs, medical devices, diagnostic testing, exercise ideas, herbs, vitamins, botanical extracts, modern therapies, and uncommon sense. We will provide links to products we like or that have a positive impact on lives.
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