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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Memory Issues Caused By Diabetes

Quantum Orthomolecular Medicine associates diabetes with many secondary health issues, including memory problems. Rebecca Stone MD India believes that memory issues become more difficult to treat during periods of elevated blood sugar. The high glucose problems result in increased stress levels and high levels of inflammation and free radical levels throughout the body. The associated inflammation stresses the brain and can impair memory and concentration. The alpha lipoic acid can serve in some people to actually lower glucose elevation and reduce inflammation. The addition of organic green tea can help benefit poor memory issues coinciding with diabetes.

The idea that nutritional products can reverse cellular aging is not well understood.  The links for alpha lipoic acid and organic green tea can be found here in the future. Please check back. © 2011 by Dr R Stone, MD in Alternative Medicine- India. The book Quantum Brain Healing by Dr. R. Stone MD-India will be available soon. Please contact us to reserve your copy in advance.