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Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Meditation session several times per week for a one year period can turn around many chronic diseases that are not responding to medications. Medical Qi Gong can also help this type of illness. Meditation sessions can be done every evening for about 12 to 70 minutes on a regular basis. It may help to drink a cup of jasmine tea or fresh spring or mineral water before starting. This will calm the brain and reduce stress and anxiety for many people.

Purchase Quantum Brain Healing by Rebecca Stone MD India to understand the other options to calm your brain and reduce stress.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Diabetes and Associated Cognitive Disorders

Quantum Orthomolecular Medicine associates diabetes with many secondary health issues, including Alzheimer's Disease. Rebecca Stone MD India believes that cognitive disorders issues become more difficult to treat during periods of elevated blood sugar. The high glucose problems result in increased stress levels and high levels of inflammation and free radical levels throughout the body. The associated inflammation stresses the cardiac system, blood vessels, brain, and the kidneys. The alpha lipoic acid can serve in some people to actually lower glucose elevation and reduce inflammation. The addition of the Indian herb ashwaganda can also help benefit cognitive disorders coinciding with diabetes.

The idea that nutritional products can reverse nerve damage is not well understood.  The links for alpha lipoic acid and Co Q10 can be found here in the future. Please check back. © 2011 by Dr R Stone, MD in Alternative Medicine- India. The book Quantum Brain Healing by Dr. R. Stone MD-India will be available soon. Please contact us to reserve your copy in advance.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

7 Keto DHEA to Retain Your Youth

This is a hormone that declines in your late 30's and early 40's. It can be supplemented and this is the best form of the hormone. It helps protect muscle mass and is an anti-aging hormone. Liquid DHEA is another type of this product that is easily absorbed in the body. This should be taken for several months to several years in low doses. I frequently find that many people take doses that are too high. Do not abuse this hormone. It can help athletes retain their skills into old age when not abused. The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine trains their doctors in the proper use of many hormones that focus on retaining and regaining youth. The daily dose should be 10 to 15 mg per capsule for women and higher for men. Most products that are available are doses that are too high and may result in health problems. This can be combined with another product for optimal use.

This does affect your brain and mood. Check out Quantum Brain Healing by Rebecca Stone, MD India for your best answers on this and other hormones that help the brain and slow aging.

It be discussed in a future book.